Get an MBA and earn big

The Corporate Recruiters Survey conducted in 2014 revealed that four out of five global companies planned to hire Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree holders.

So it turns out all the talk by MBA “know-it-alls” isn't waffle after all. The Corporate Recruiters Survey conducted in 2014 revealed that four out of five global companies planned to hire Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree holders. In fact, since 2009, MBA graduate employment has seen a sharp increase of up to 30%, with an even greater increase forecast for the year ahead.

Recruiters want MBA grads

MBA graduates hold a multitude of in-demand skills, including:

  • The ability to think outside the box
  • The leadership potential required
  • A proven ability to perform
  • Motivation and ambition 

The stats reveal…

In 2014 it was reported that international companies were projecting an increase of R9 500 to their existing starting salaries for MBA graduates. According to a survey conducted by, in South Africa the MBA job market is equally lucrative. “The market does indeed reward the MBA degree in real terms and rewards it substantially,” Prof Eon Smit, former director of the University of Stellenbosch Business School explained.

The average South African MBA holder earns an annual salary of R 560 285 with the maximum increasing as high as R3 000 000. More interestingly, the average pre-MBA salary earned is R297 731 while the average salary earned at the first job post-MBA is R393 783.

Money isn’t everything

But more than salary benefits, an MBA provides increased self-confidence, critical thinking and interpretation skills and a broadened outlook. According to SA's MBA Association, an MBA certainly paves the path to a successful career, but that does not mean a plethora of guaranteed job offers.

However for SA, which loses many highly skilled and experienced employees to international countries, having an MBA is a valuable asset, as it combines global and local management skills and knowledge.

There is no doubt that the cost of MBA education is a considerable investment in terms of both time and money. Nowadays, to study towards a degree involves more than just gaining an education. It’s also a matter of additional costly programme-related expenses such as travel and events. However, these expenses are worth the results: landing graduates extraordinary jobs and unmatched financial rewards.

If you’re considering pursuing an MBA program, you’ll find useful information at, and once you’ve completed your qualification you’ll find a plethora of positions waiting for you on Careers24.