I want to learn about careers as a Budget Analyst

Find out everything you need to know about becoming a Budget Analyst.

Job Title – Budget Analyst


A Budget Analyst helps public and private institutions organise their finances. They prepare budget reports and monitor institutional spending. 

Typical Job Activities

Works with program and project managers to develop the organization's budget
Reviews managers' budget proposals for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with laws and other regulations
Combines all the program and department budgets together into a consolidated organizational budget and review all funding requests for merit
Explains their recommendations for funding requests to others in the organization, legislators, and the public
Helps the chief operations officer, agency head, or other top managers analyse proposed plans and find alternatives if the projected results are unsatisfactory
Monitors organizational spending to ensure that it is within budget
Informs program managers of the status and availability of funds
Estimates future financial needs

Does this sound like a career for you? Browse jobs in the finance industry here.

Related Occupations

Bank official
Budget officer
Chartered accountant
Financial consultant
Marketing manager

Educational Requirements

Senior Certificate with matric exemption for a degree course in Accounting, Finance or Statistics
Senior Certificate for a diploma course in commerce

Compulsory subjects: Mathematics
Recommended subjects: Accounting, Economics and Business Economics

What natural skills and/or aptitudes do I need for this occupation?

Have a strong aptitude for mathematics
Be able to work quickly and efficiently
Be able to communicate financial information effectively

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Employment Opportunities     


Market Competitiveness


Income Potential


Self-Employment Opportunities


International Employment Opportunities


Possible Employers

In commerce and all kinds of industries - Big private, medium or small companies
Technikons and colleges as lecturers
Own business (consulting)

Browse companies hiring now.

Relevant Contact Details

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
041 352 553

The Institute of Commercial and Financial Accountants of Southern Africa

Career Progress and Path

Experience in specific field
Work performance
General management studies

Possible Career Paths

Specialist career in the specific field
Management positions in the specific field
General business management
Own business

Employment Stability

Very stable

Reasons to consider this career

I am very interested in a specific subject or field
I can apply my special skills
I can work with numbers