I want to learn about careers as a Carpenter

Find out everything you need to know about becoming a Carpenter.

Job Title - Carpenter


A Carpenter is a skilled craftsman who works with wood. They make, fix and install furniture and other wooden objects. Experienced carpenters can also design items and make custom-designed furniture.

Typical Job Activities

Liaises with clients or builders with regard to their requirements
Quotes and sources materials
Makes cupboards, wall units, roof trusses, pergolas, special window frames and doors etc
Remodels goods
Makes furniture
Builds wooded houses
Builds roofs or remodels them
Manages staff
Does quality control checks

Does this sound like a career for you? Browse jobs in the engineering and construction industry here.

Related Occupations

Furniture Polisher
Set Designer
Saw Operator

Educational Requirements

Grade 9 Certificate
Grade 10 or N1 is recommended in Carpentry

FET Colleges may offer programmes for specific trade or skills set

Compulsory subjects: None
Recommended subjects: Mathematics

What natural skills and/or aptitudes do I need for this occupation?

To be passionate about wood and wooden items
To be good with your hands
To be creative
To be practical
To be able to read and write
To be able to do standard grade mathematics
To be analytical
To have knowledgeable of equipment, materials and building techniques
To be able to understand verbal and written instructions
To be able to organize assigned tasks for yourself and or a team
To be happy and comfortable with doing heavy labour

Improve your engineering and construction skills and knowledge by studying further – browse our online learning partners’ courses here…

Employment Opportunities


Market Competitiveness


Income Potential


Self-Employment Opportunities


International Employment Opportunities


Possible Employers

Government departments
Private building contractors
Construction companies

Browse companies hiring now.

Relevant Contact Details

EastCape Training Centre

Working Conditions

Possibility of being laid off
Having to budget carefully to prepare for lay-offs
Standing, stooping and lifting
The possibility of injury at work
Working outdoors
Having to work sometimes in hot, cold, dusty or noisy environments

Career Progress and Path

Further studies in related fields
Experience in specific fields
Experience in related fields

Possible Career Paths

Management positions in related fields
Consultant/ own practice
Own business

Employment Stability

Not very stable

Reasons to consider this career

To start your own business
To become a manager
To work with your hands
To learn new things
To work locally
To focus on a specific field
To work on your own
To design things