I want to learn about careers as a Land Surveyor

Find out everything you need to know about becoming a Land Surveyor.

Job Title - Land Surveyor 


Land Surveying is the science and practice of recording and setting out the exact measurements of man-made and natural features of the earth's surface. 

Typical Job Activities

Making of maps and the determination of boundaries
Participates in the planning and construction of roads, railways, power lines, canals, engineering
structures, buildings and townships and is indispensable when it comes to preparing data on the measurements of lakes, rivers and the coastline
The land surveyor can specialise in one of the following fields:
- Geodetic surveying: Determining markers or beacons according to the lines of latitude and longitude
- Cartography: The drawing of maps
- Cadastral surveying: Entails the measuring of property for the planning of towns and cities
- Engineering surveying: Helping with the design of roads, bridges and tunnels
- Hydrographic and oceanographic surveying: Surveying the marine environment for the development of harbours

Does this sound like a career for you? Browse jobs in the engineering and construction industry here.

Related Occupations

Civil engineering technician

Educational Requirements

Senior Certificate with matric exemption

Compulsory subjects: Mathematics and Physical Science
Recommended subjects: Geography

What natural skills and/or aptitudes do I need for this occupation?

Enjoy working outdoors
Open to travelling
Be able to work on your own
Be able to maintain good relations with the public
Have mathematical ability

Stay ahead of your peers by improving your engineering and construction skills with an online course at Udemy.

Employment Opportunities


Market Competitiveness


Income Potential


Self-Employment Options


International Employment Market


Possible Employers

Government - national, provincial, local councils and government related organisations
Big private companies
Medium or small Companies
Own small business: Entrepreneurial opportunities in this field

Browse companies hiring now.

Relevant Contact Details

SA Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors

Department of Land Affairs

Career Progress and Path

Further studies in the specific career field
Further studies in related fields
Experience in specific field
Work performance
Experience in related fields
Do presentations, seminars, publish articles, etc.

Possible Career Paths

Specialist career in the specific field
Management positions in the specific field
Management positions in related fields
Consultant/ contractor/ own practice/ freelance
Own business

Employment Stability

Very stable 

Reasons to consider this career

A job in government
To focus on a specific field
To apply my special skills