I want to learn about careers as a Dentist

Find out everything you need to know about becoming a Dentist.

Job Title - Dentist


A Dentist treats problems affecting the mouth and teeth, including dental and oral disease. They also perform procedures necessary to correct dental issues and provide advice about oral healthcare.

The most common role in dentistry is as a general dental practitioner (GDP). As a GDP you would work as a self-employed contractor providing dental care to the general public.

Typical Job Activities

Diagnostic work: Examines the teeth and the tissues of the mouth to diagnose diseases or abnormalities Preventive work: Supply information about the control of tooth decay, oral hygiene and how to remove plaque

Corrective treatment: The dentist takes x-rays of the mouth and teeth, cleans teeth, fills cavities, treats abscesses and infections of the gums and extracts teeth.

Impressions of the mouth are taken to make false teeth, crowns and bridges. 

Surgical procedures: This includes the removal of teeth and the treatment of jaw fractures.  Administrative duties: Bookkeeping and buying supplies, as well as the supervising and managing of a team of co-workers which may include dental assistants, receptionists, dental technicians and oral hygienists. 

Does this sound like a career for you? Browse these South African jobs here.

Related Occupations

Maxillo-facial and oral surgeon
Oral hygienist
Dental technician

Educational Requirements

Senior Certificate with matric exemption
4-7 years University/Technikon Studies

Compulsory subjects: Mathematics and Physical Science
Recommended subjects: Biology

Registration: A dentist must register with the Interim National Medical and Dental Council of South Africa after completion of the required training.

What natural skills and/or aptitudes do I need for this occupation? 

Have an interest in and an aptitude for science
Have good judgement and diagnostic skills
Be able to inspire confidence and trust
Be able to concentrate well
Have manual dexterity
Have three dimensional abilities (to judge space and shape)
Have good eyesight and visual memory

Browse Udemy for professional development courses in your industry

Employment Opportunities 


Market Competitiveness


Income Potential


Self-Employment Options


International Employment Market 


Possible Employers 

Government - national, provincial, local councils and related organisations like hospitals or municipal clinics
Big private companies – Research Institutions
Self-employed: Private Practice

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Relevant Contact Details

South African Dental Association

Possible Career Paths

Specialist career in the specific field
Own business

Employment Stability

Moderately stable

Reasons to consider this career

To be of service to people
To work with my hands
To work with technology