Little known ways to rock your first day at the new job


A new job can be very exciting, but also quite nerve-wrecking. We tell you how to tackle those nerves and start your new job on the best foot.

It’s never a great feeling being the new kid on the block; especially if you were with your previous company for a long time. To ease your nerves, see your new job as a fresh start and an adventure. Remember that the experience will help you grow professionally, meet interesting new people and learn the culture of a different company.

Follow these easy steps to help make your transition into a new environment easier for you and less stressful for your nerves.

1. First things first, get to work on time. Arriving on time will earn you respect from your colleagues. The first few weeks are the best time to create a good impression, so avoid leaving before you're supposed to and taking long lunch breaks.

2. Dress for success. A winning employee is confident, well dressed and in control. A positive image goes a long way to create a great first impression.

3. Set up a meeting with your manager and ask what your responsibilities are and what is expected of you. Find out how you will be evaluated and how often you will receive feedback. This will help you do a great job and erase the confusion around your role.

4. You're in a new role, so don't be afraid to ask questions. Not only will you avoid making mistakes, but you'll show your manager that you're truly invested in your new position.

5. Think of yourself and be a sponge on your first day. Absorb as much information as you can by listening more than you talk. Listen to your colleagues to find out what their role is and figure out the dynamics of your work environment.

6. If a colleague needs help offer to lend a hand. Taking on more responsibilities is encouraged as long as you are still able to perform your daily tasks successfully. By being proactive you prove that you aren’t afraid of hard work.

7. Your colleagues can potentially make or break your working experience. It’s a great idea to chat to them, ask questions and find common interests so you’ll always have something to talk to them about. Show them you’re happy to be there and want to know them better.

8. Gossiping is never a good idea, especially if you’ve just started a new job. If others are gossiping around you, let them be, but don’t participate or give your opinion about the topic.

9. Find out who the top players are and try to learn from them as much as you can. Their experience and insight will really help you figure out what is valued.

Still looking for a new job? Visit Careers24, upload or create your CV and browse the wide range of jobs available.