5 things your boss should never ever say to you

There are certain words your boss should never say to you (Shutterstock)

Real leaders know they should never say certain phrases or words. If your manager is guilty of saying these things, perhaps it’s time for a change.

No employee wants to tiptoe around their boss. But we've all heard of or even experienced bosses who will throw insults and attack employees at any chance they get. If your boss won't stop with the verbal bashfulness, it's a cause for concern and a sign to move on.

“I’m never wrong”

Using these words paints your boss as an arrogant leader. It should rather be your boss' role to encourage you to voice your opinion and ideas. In situations where your boss has more experience, saying things scuh as, “because I’ve dealt with something similar before, I’m sure you can agree with me when I say…”, demonstrates his knowledge and professionalism.

Learn: The difference between a manager and a leader

“That can’t be done; it’s impossible”

If your boss always slaps down your suggestions without further inquiry, it could be that he's underestimating or belittling your ability. Be careful of this; your boss should encourage you, not put you down. If your idea really has no merit, your boss should rather say something like, “perhaps review that suggestion in more detail - I find that a bit difficult to accept as true” and give you a decent chance to elaborate and offer support your thoughts. 

“I'm the boss here"

That may be very true on paper, but not good for your morale as an employee. Your boss should never remind you of his position. If he does, he isn't willing to have any followers.

“John is such an idiot”

Gossiping is generally unacceptable, especially in a management position. If your boss has the tendency to complain to you about other employees, rather suggest that he arranges a meeting and talk to them face to face. Part of a boss' job is to keep the working environment professional and transparent; she'll earn more respect.  

Read: 4 sure signs it's time for a career change

“What the f*&% are you doing?!”

Shouting and swearing at the team is never an option. Not only is it degrading, it lowers team morale and tarnishes your boss' reputation as a leader. 

You don’t have to put up with a bad manager. Careers24 has plenty of jobs in which you can find greater happiness.