Money Matters

Find out how much of your work day is spent paying taxes
Find out how much of your work day is spent paying taxes A new site can tell you how many hours you spend on government services and where your money may be going.
All you need to know about claiming your maternity benefits
All you need to know about claiming your maternity benefits Bringing a child into this world can get really expensive. Here's how you can ensure you still get paid while you're on maternity leave.
How lazy people get a raise (and get away with it)
How lazy people get a raise (and get away with it) There are many ways you can trick management into agreeing that you deserve a raise - even if you never do any work!
5 different salary negotiation tactics that never go wrong
5 different salary negotiation tactics that never go wrong Negotiating a salary increase is often one of the hardest things employees have to do. If you’re due for an increase but unsure how to go about it, read these top tips.
4 sure-fire ways to tell you're earning less money than you deserve
4 sure-fire ways to tell you're earning less money than you deserve A respectable salary is an important part of any job. Even a good job can be ruined by a low salary. Here's how to find out if you're getting paid enough.
Has your boss rewarded you with any of these employee bonuses?
Has your boss rewarded you with any of these employee bonuses? A 13th cheque isn't the only kind of bonus your employer can offer you...
Do you want a bigger pay check? Learn Mandarin!
Do you want a bigger pay check? Learn Mandarin! We've compiled a list of languages in demand on the South African job market, from highest salary to least.
7 real money lessons every twenty-something year old should learn
7 real money lessons every twenty-something year old should learn Because we can all do with some money tips from time to time...
How to get the salary you deserve every single time
How to get the salary you deserve every single time Salary negotiations can easily be one of the most intimidating parts of any job application or interview process. Here's how to win your next salary talk.