5 important things to do as soon as you're retrenched

The road to a successful career doesn't end even if you're retrenched. (Shutterstock)

Getting retrenched can be tough, but sitting around and not taking the steps to find another job, can be even worse. Keep your chin up – your job is out there.

Get every benefit
If the company offered free health screenings or dental plans, then use them while you have the time. Also, if your boss offers to give you a referral, get the referral from them now as opposed to later. 

Prioritise and cut back
You should take the five most important things and cut back financially on everything else. This will lead to less stress while you search for a new job.

Know the crisis point on the calendar
Don't take the first job that comes along if you don’t have to. For example, you might not want to muscle aside a 17-year old for a pizza job. Also, you should not use loans to try to extend the crisis point. This will just make the situation worse and put you into debt. 

Update your CV
This would be a great time to polish your CV. Since you have the time, use it wisely – a better, more improved CV will increase your chances of finding a job

Know the job you want next
Take the time to assess what you liked and disliked about your previous job. If you’re fortunate enough to be in the position where you don’t have to take the first job that comes along, then try to figure out which job and responsibilities would make you happiest.

Don’t panic if you’ve been retrenched – there is light at the end of the tunnel. Register or update your CV on Careers24 and sign up for Job Alerts and get relevant jobs sent to you. Also be sure to check out our Career Advice section for helpful career-related tips – from CV to interview advice– you won’t be disappointed. Regularly have a look at our 1000s of jobs on offer, updated daily too.

A positive attitude and hard work will get you through this tough time – remember, there’s always a rainbow at the end of a storm. Good luck!