These are the Money advice articles you loved reading the most in 2016.
To make sure you haven't missed our most essential and must-read tips about Management Advice, here's a little recap of the most popular stories of 2016.
1. The right way to fire an employee so you’re not in trouble with the CCMA
Before you send an employee packing, you need to ensure you’re taking the right steps to fire your employee. Get it wrong and you could cause an uncomfortable situation for both you and your employee, or worse still, legal issues that could have a major effect on the business.
2. 9 signs you’re a great boss
If you’re wondering whether or not you are a great boss to your employees, you are probably not the only one. The problem is that you can’t just go around the office and ask them, because, to serve their own interests, they will lie and tell you how you’re the greatest boss ever. So if you really want to know if you need to step it up a notch, check out if these 9 signs apply to you.
3. What makes a great boss? We asked, you answered
Careers24 teamed up with GetSmarter to find the best bosses in South Africa. As a reward for letting us know why you have the Best Boss, you could win an online short course - and your boss could too! Here’s what you told us.
4. Employee motivations that go beyond money
There is a general belief that pumping more money into employees’ bank accounts gets them more motivated to do their jobs well, however a study has found money is not in fact the motivator that keeps employees satisfied. Employees need more than money to be fulfilled in their jobs.
5. 2 employees you need to fire immediately
Normally you have incredible employees and those employees that quite frankly suck and are days away from being dismissed. But then there are those that are somewhere in the middle. So, as a manager of a small business or smaller department, how can you tell when it’s time to let an employee go?