Our summary of the basic guide to key topics about Employee UIF within the labour legislation according to The South African Department of Labour.
The Department of Labour offers basic guides to key topics within labour legislation. Read on for our summary of Employee UIF.
Employees must contribute 1% of their pay to the UIF. To claim UIF benefits, employees must complete certain forms and hand them in at their nearest labour centre.
Who does the Employee UIF apply to?
The Unemployment
Insurance Act and Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act apply to all
employers and workers, but not to:
- employees working less than 24 hours a
month for an employer
- learners
- public servants
- foreigners working on contract
- employees who get a monthly State (old
age) pension
- employees who only earn commission
- Domestic employers and their workers
are included under the Act since 01 April 2003
Paying UIF
Employees must make sure that their employers deduct 1% of their pay and pay it to the UIF.
Claiming Unemployment Benefits:
When they claim Unemployment, Benefits employees must:
- complete the correct forms and
hand it in at a labour centre (See How to Claim UIF Unemployment Benefits)
- register as work-seekers (See How to
Register as Work-seeker)
- be available to start work
- report to a labour centre when asked
- undergo training and counselling when
asked to
Claiming Illness Benefits
When they claim Illness, Benefits employees must:
- complete the correct forms and hand it
in at a labour centre (See How to Claim UIF Illness Benefits)
- go for medical treatment if asked to
Claiming Maternity Benefits
When they claim Maternity Benefits, employees must complete the correct forms and hand it in at a labour centre (See How to Claim UIF Maternity Benefits).
Claiming Adoption Benefits
When they claim Adoption Benefits, employees must complete the correct forms and hand it in at a labour centre (See How to Claim UIF Adoption Benefits).
Claiming Defendent's Benefits
When they claim Dependent's Benefits, employees dependent's must complete the correct forms and hand it in at a labour centre.
Source: South African Department of Labour