Real leaders know they should never say certain phrases or words. If you're guilty of saying these things, perhaps it’s time for a change.
You, as a manager, are in a position of power and therefore have to behave accordingly. It’s crucial that all managers know what is acceptable and what is not, in the workplace. Feedback is key to improved performance, but there is a right way and a wrong way. Make sure you're not doing it the wrong way: learn our list of phrases that every manager should ban from their vocabulary.
“I’m never wrong”
Using these words will only ensure your reputation as an arrogant leader. It is instead your role to encourage others to voice their opinions and ideas. However, in situations where you have more experience, demonstrate your knowledge, offer advice and constructive feedback, such as “Because I’ve dealt with something similar before, I’m sure you can agree with me when I say…”
Learn: The difference between a manager and a leader
“That can’t be done; it’s impossible”
Slapping down an employee's suggestion without further inquiry will ensure you look as if you're underestimating or belittling their ability. Be careful of this; you want to encourage your employees, not put them down. If you really don’t believe their idea has merit, rather say something like, “Perhaps review that suggestion in more detail - I find that a bit difficult to accept as true” and give them a decent chance to elaborate and offer support for their idea.
“My way or you’re out”
Don’t ever threaten your employees; it’ll only cause more problems. Rather help by showing them how to improve. If all else fails, speak to HR and ask them to advise a way forward, but whatever you do, do it properly and by following the correct procedures. Your other team members will appreciate your professional approach.
“John is such an idiot”
Mangers don’t gossip. Gossiping about your team or co-workers only drags your own name through the mud. If you really have a problem with a co-worker, arrange a meeting and talk to them face to face. The last thing you want is for the person to hear all the wrong things through other people and end up resenting you. Keep your working environment professional and transparent, people will respect you more as a role model.
Read: How to give great feedback
“What the f*&% are you doing?!”
Shouting and swearing at your team is never an option. Not only is it degrading, it lowers team morale and tarnishes your reputation as a leader. If things are getting to boiling point, step out for a moment and cool down before responding to a colleague.
You don’t have to be a bad manager. Careers24 has plenty of great advice to help you be a better boss...