Your ultimate guide to finding a job you'll love

Make a list of the skills you would like to accomplish in your new job (

If you're stuck in the wrong job or unsure of which career is best for you, here are a few things to consider to help you figure it all out.

If your job is getting you down it’s time to find something new. Not sure what you’re looking for? Here are a few questions to get you started and hopefully point you in the right direction.

7 Key questions to ask yourself when hunting for a new job

1. What did you dislike about your previous job? Was it your role, the people you worked with or the company?
2. While studying, what did you enjoy the most and least?
3. Do any of your friends’ or family’s jobs interest you?
4. Looking back at the jobs you’ve held, which ones have you enjoyed the most?
5. If there was one set salary for every job, which one would you choose to do?
6. Has a job ever given you a real buzz? If yes, what were you doing?
7. If you could swap jobs for a day with anyone, what would you choose to do?

Still confused? Use the tips below as a guide to choose a career that best suits:

Focus on your abilities

Is there anything you do very well? Are there any skills you always look forward to using once you’re at work? Think carefully.

What type of job would you like?

Think of your job as a cake. In order to make a cake that you’ll enjoy, what ingredients would you choose to put into the mixture? Use this as a guide to find your dream job. Make a list of the skills you’d like to use in your job, the environment you’d like to work in and what you’d like to accomplish while working at the company.

Don’t focus on the title

Try not to search for jobs by title. Rather ask what skills are needed to perform the role well.If you enjoy being creative, ask which jobs require creativity or if you enjoy solving problems ask which jobs involve analyses.

Research is key

Choose a few jobs that you think is well-suited to your skill set then ask around. Find people who are already in the positions or ask if you can shadowthem for a week or two.

Get your story straight

Once you know what you’d like to do and where you’d like to work, start researching organisations and work on your presentation skills for future interviews. Know what your skills are and draw up a plan of action for future interviews.

Now that you have a better understanding of yourself and the type of job you’d be happy doing, make the change with Careers24 and find your perfect job now.