If you’re considering working in South Africa, or setting up a business here, you'll need a permit to do so.
If you’re considering working in South Africa, or setting up a business here, you'll need a permit to do so. If you are already in South Africa, find your nearest Department of Home Affairs office or contact Home Affairs via their contact centre on 0800 60 11 90 or email at csc@dha.gov.za.
There are two typical situations:
If you do not have a job offer you will have to find out whether you qualify for a work visa or not. Online eligibility assessments are available, such as this from one from Intergate Immigration. The results will ascertain if you meet the rules and regulations.
If you work in an industry that the South African government has marked as a scarce skill then you can apply for a Critical Skills Work Visa. The list of scarce, critical and special skills required can be downloaded from the Department of Home Affairs website. Within one year of being granted this visa, you must prove you’re gainfully employed within your field.
Read: Overstaying a South African Work Visa
2. You do have a job offer
If you are being transferred from a branch of your company, based outside of South Africa, to a branch of the company within South Africa, an Intra Company Transfer is applicable. The visa allows you to relocate to South Africa and work only for your specified company. An Intra Company Transfer is only valid for four years and is not renewable.
If you have a job offer from a South African company that is willing to participate in the visa application process, you’ll need to apply for a General Work Visa. The company will need to justify why you should be awarded a position over and above a South African, among other rules. This visa will allow you to work only the specified company.
Read: Countries exempt from South African visas
But I want to start a business here…
If you’re moving to South Africa to set up and run your own business, you’ll need to apply for a Business Visa. The business can be a start up, a purchased company or a partnership, and the usual visa application criteria apply, but there are some additional requirements. These include:
· About ZAR 5 million in capital equivalent or cash investment in the business, via from funds from abroad
· 60% of your workforce must be South African citizens or permanent residency holders
· A suitable company structure and comprehensive business plan must be set up
And the South African Department of Trade & Industry must deem your business in the country’s national interest.
For more information about how to obtain a South African work visa, visit the Department of Home Affairs online at www.dha.gov.za.