The top 6 most popular CV and cover letter articles

The most read CV and cover letter articles in 2016.

Using the feedback that you our readers gave, we compiled an article to sum up the CV and cover letter articles that were read the most last year.

To make sure you haven't missed our most essential and must-read tips about CV and Cover Letter Advice, here's a little recap of the most popular stories thus far. 

1. Why your job applications NEVER receive positive responses

Perhaps you’ve been job hunting for a while and are yet to receive the first call back. You’ve applied to different companies, for different positions, at different times of every single day and you haven’t received any responses – not one phone call or email! This article helps you understand why you haven’t heard from recruiters, and how to change that.

2. Job hunting documents that will help your application

What do recruiters want to see in addition to your CV in your job application form? The answer could mean the difference between landing an interview and being overlooked. This article was the second most read article in our CV and Cover Letter Advice column in 2016, and it is still a firm favourite this year. It explains exactly you what your CV can do with and without, so that this year, you can easily land the right job.

3. 6 phrases all smart people know NEVER to add to their CVs

When compiling your CV, there are a few phrases you should avoid using at all costs. There are certain overused words that are essentially meaningless and annoy recruiters. Not only do these CV phrases make you seem generic, but they might also be the reason why you aren’t landing any interviews.

4. The worst (real life) CV mistakes ever

We all know that perfecting your CV is of the utmost importance. Today, you’ll get to see how ridiculous your typos, overlooked errors, and weak attempt at humour can make you look utterly ridiculous!

5. 4 little-known facts for writing a CV that will get you hired

If it takes time to perfect something, why hasn't your CV won the hearts of recruiters yet? Even though you've searched high and low for tips and advice on how to get hired, you could be missing these simple and easy CV don'ts.

6. 4 free downloadable CV templates for South African job seekers

There are a few templates that are available for free on the internet. We've made it easier for you to just click on the links below to download a Word document and fill in your own professional details.

cv template


  • Discover the best tips for writing an amazing CV

  • Don’t make these stupid mistakes after submitting your CV

  • Simple golden rules for writing a stellar cover letter

  • 5 hobbies to add (and 6 hobbies to remove) from your CV

  • 5 things you need to know about effectively improving your CV