How to get through a bad day at work

A bad day at work is tough to get through. (Shutterstock)

Everyone's annoying, nothing seems to be going right, and the world is out to get you. But you can change that around.

We all have those days when we can relate to the Grumpiest of Snow White’s seven dwarfs, Winnie the Pooh’s Eeyore, and the internet’s Grumpy Cat.

bad day at work

If you’re reading this, odds are you are - or someone in close proximity to you is - having one right now. But it’s okay… yes, really. Because there are ways to cope with the next 24 hours without biting someone’s head off.

Tuck your personality away

When at work, you are obligated to always act professionally, especially when you’re in the customer service’s or client serving industry.

bad day at work

Maintain respectful behaviour until you are able to vent to a confidant before you confront whoever hits a nerve while you’re still sensitive.

Take plenty of breaks

If your job depends on getting along with your co-workers - or any other people for that matter - walk around more often to get a break. If your boss doesn’t allow flexible hours, go to the bathroom more often and just sit in the cubicle practicing breathing techniques.

bad day at work

Admit you’re in a bad mood

Since the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. You’d be surprised how many people would voluntarily stay out of your way if you would just admit that you’re a bit cranky. After all, we all know what having a bad day feels like.

At the same time, being aware of your mood will allow you to practice some self-control as you now realise you may be overreacting. This is the one time that the ‘It’s me, not you’ speech is true: don’t take your stress out on innocent bystanders.

bad day at work

Be grateful

Count your blessings and name them one by one. Be it in your head, in Word, on Facebook, or old school pen and paper style. Counter every negative thought with a sentence beginning with ‘At least I...’ and try to remember how much better off you are than most. It won’t work instantly but it’ll put things in perspective even if just for an instant.

bad day at work

Think back to the last time you were in a bad mood? Like most negative feelings and situations, it didn’t last. This bad day won’t last either. All you have to do is be a little patient and you’ll be okay.

Help someone

Just because the sun isn’t shining today, doesn’t mean you can’t be someone's sunshine. In fact, successful people have found that doing something nice for others has the potential to brighten up everyone’s day. Smiles are contagious, and being kind will make you feel more positive.

bad day at work

Can you imagine how many people are having bad days? Don’t you wish someone would make yours a little easier instead of harder? Well, you can be that someone for others.