You're way too smart to be making these silly CV mistakes

One silly mistake is all you need to lose out on a job opportunity. (Shutterstock)

If your CV is anything less than perfect, you won't get very far. Avoid these 6 silly CV mistakes if you want to get ahead.

It's great to have impeccable communication skills and a work history some people could only dream of. But what good is it all if your CV is flawed? Even the teeniest, tiniest CV mistake can cost you an interview - the reason why you want to ensure you're not rejected because of these scary CV mistakes.

Mistake #1: Not double checking your spelling and grammar

It's easy, ask someone else to check your spelling and grammar. The last thing you want is to make a silly and embarrassing mistake such as, "I can fluently speak in English and spinach."

Unless your interviewer is Popeye, you're not likely to impress them with your fluent language skills. This is another reason that you should never rely too heavily on spell-check. It won't pick up these mistakes.

Mistake #2: Forgetting the interviewer’s name

Always check to make sure you have the right name before you send the recruiter an email. It can be awkward to shake Ben's hand, only for him to tell you that he's actually Tim. Writing your name as Chanel on your cover letter and Chanelle in the email subject line won't even get you an interview, so don't do it.

Read: 4 steps to a great cover letter

Mistake #3: Sending applications to the wrong company

This happens when someone is sending out a lot of applications. Especially if you have certain applications tailored to fit a specific company.

Mistake #4: Professional email

You want your email to look as professional as possible. In fact, it is better to make a business email just for business. How is your potential employer going to take you seriously when you send them an email from

Read: Phrases you should ban from your CV

Mistake #5: The format of your CV doesn’t work 

If you put in the effort to craft a perfect CV, it’s important to make sure that the formatting opens on all computers. An employer will not go through all the trouble to get your formatting to work. 

Mistake #6: Not being specific

When it comes to your accomplishments, be as specific as possible. If at your last job you increased sales, what does that really mean? That's not nearly as impressive as saying, "I increased sales at the company by 30 percent." 

If you want more advice on CV mistakes to avoid, Careers24 has you covered with more cover letter and CV advice.