The go-getter's guide to being hired in 1 week: Wednesday

Make sure you have a list of trusted references before applying for a new job (

On Wednesday consider a few references who'll highlight your best assets.

By Wednesday your CV and cover letter should be ready and waiting. Next on your list are your references. Remember the potential employer will be making a huge investment in hiring you. Having two to three people who will vouch for your brilliance in getting the job done, as well as your behaviour in the workplace, can be the deciding factor in getting a job offer.

Generally, a list of references includes people you've previously worked with. People whom you directly reported or worked closely with, such as your previous manager and colleagues who will know your work best. They'll also talk positively about your strengths and abilities. Before listing them, make sure they know you've listed them as referees. Also give them a copy of your CV so when the hiring manager calls, they have the necessary information at hand.

Personal references such as your aunty and a second cousin– will probably not be the best people to include as referees. Aunty Dorie is more likely to say things that will only be positive and complimentary. Plus, she may be so caught up in singing endless praises on “what a wonderful nephew you are”, that she’ll forget who she’s speaking to – not what you need.

However, nowhere is it written that you should only use former employers. If you have no professional references, you can add the name and number of a trusted organisational leader, business acquaintances or a religious leader. For recent graduates, a tutor, lecturer or someone you’ve worked closely with will also suffice.

To really wow the hiring manager and leave a lasting impression, consider including copies of former evaluation forms, letters of recognition, thank you notes, awards and copies of recommendation letters to your CV.

Your job for the day will be done. Take an afternoon nap and prep for Thursday's social media sweep up.