4 tricks to delegating like a pro

Delegate like a pro (Shutterstock)

By implementing these amazing delegation tips you can learn to delegate like a pro, maximising everyone’s abilities...

As managers, we all have our own fears with regards to delegating tasks to others:

·         They’ll mess up and waste time!

·         If they mess up, I’ll have to re-explain it to them (which wastes time)

·         If they mess up, they’ll have to redo it (which wastes time)

·         If they mess up, I’ll have to redo it myself (which wastes time)

This means that even though we have a lot on our plates, we aim to complete everything ourselves. But this means we’re still overworked and the quality of our work is weaker than it should be.

However, by implementing these amazing delegation tips you can learn to delegate like a pro, maximising everyone’s abilities and ensuring all tasks are delivered on time, and looking good.

Prevention is the cure

Your team will not mess up. You know why? Because you’re going to set smaller deadlines and catch-up sessions to reign them in and set them straight. It is important to check in periodically with your employees to ensure that they are on the right track and to answer any queries they may have. In other words, instead of spending most of your time doing it yourself, you’ll spend less of your time making sure they’re doing a good job. The delegation process does not end once you hand the work off. You can also save time by playing to your team’s strengths…

Playing to your strengths

Delegation really is necessary for maximum productivity. Consider Henry Ford’s assembly line that increased efficiency and productivity of cars in 1913. Yes, you may be dealing with tasks a little more complex than car parts but you already know (or at least have an idea) of what your team members’ strengths are. Use this to your advantage. Give them tasks that match their abilities. Break large jobs into manageable pieces and delegate pieces to those who can do them expertly. This minimises the chance of them messing up at each step. This can be achieved quicker if you explain to each expert what their ultimate destination is…

Steer the ship by knowing the destination

When delegating, ensure that each member of your team knows WHY they’re doing what they doing. Having them understand their importance will keep them motivated and feeling integral to the process. And they may figure out how to get the job done faster. Avoid saying, “type this letter now” and rather add “because it will help us land that client before the competition.” Too often office workers get annoyed when they begin to believe that the work they do is unnecessary and they therefore procrastinate or exert minimum effort. By helping them you’ll help yourself and your company fulfil its responsibilities...

There’s no I in team

Always be approachable and communicate effectively to ensure that everyone clearly understands what their role entails. It’s best to avoid vague instructions as well as vague ‘sometime next week’ deadlines. It is best to accept that some things to be done differently to how you would do them. If the end result is the same ask yourself whether the ‘how’ really matters. It’s wise to remember that your team work WITH you and not FOR you. They should be able to rely on you more than you do on them. Take responsibility for failure and give credit for their accomplishments to further build morale.

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