How you can go from intern to CEO

Being able to execute an idea is great but do you have the ability to spot mistakes (

Look around you and look at yourself, who are the people who volunteer to lead? Are you one of them?

If you’re driven and filled with a desire to climb right to the top of the corporate ladder, take a look at what you’ll need to be a successful CEO.

Positivity is key
In a working environment there’s nothing more inspiring than seeing your CEO filled with positive energy. The team will feel energised and it creates a better environment for all. You’re also more likely to appear less intimidating to your staff.

People skills are important
As a CEO, you’ll have to be good at interacting with people and managing your staff as they are your most important asset. If you lack good people skills, it’s a good idea to work on it now, perhaps attend a workshop that will help you improve. As you move further to the top, you’ll notice how important it is to interact with different types of people.

Read: Soft skills managers seek

H is for Honesty
Your employees will appreciate you more if you’re transparent and ethical in your dealings. The last thing you want is for your employees to lose trust in you so lead by example.

Be competitive
It’s no secret. If you want to get ahead you have to learn to be competitive. If you’re by nature, you have to learn that in the world of top CEOs, only the strongest will survive.

Don't be afraid to lead
Look around you and look at yourself, who are the people who volunteer to lead? Are you one of them? Successful CEOs are leaders. Don’t be afraid to take charge of a situation that needs control. Not only will you get a taste of what it’s like to be a CEO, your co-workers and employer will recognised your leadership skills.

It’s all in the detail
A good CEO pays great attention to details, do you? Being able to execute an idea is great but do you have the ability to spot mistakes, no matter how big or small. Your projects should run smoothly and without tiny mistakes that could have been avoided.

Never get complacent
You should aim to regularly improve yourself. What can you do tomorrow to be better? Perhaps organise your day, or read over your presentation one more time to ensure it’s free of spelling errors and that all the figures add up. 

Bigger is better
A good CEO doesn’t limit his or her ideas; they think big in order to achieve great rewards. As a successful CEO you always have to think your idea through with much more precision as it has the power to potentially affect your entire company. 

Never give up
Don’t quit after the first mistake you’ve made. Mistakes are part of learning; even top CEOs have slip ups. The important thing to remember is not to give up. Like the saying goes, “if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again”.

Read: 8 simple ways to up your confidence

Believe in yourself
If you don’t have confidence in your abilities, no one else will. Walk with pride and confidence and believe that you can make a difference and be a great CEO. 

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