How to know if your new company is right for you

Your company should take care of your health, wealth and all else.

You already know you're an incredible worker but are you sure your new company will look after you?

If your health and happiness, and not just your financial gain, are the main focus when looking for an incredible employer, you should keep a look out for certain characteristics before accepting what you think is the best job offer.

Sure, we all love a healthy bank account, but what good is money if your health takes a beating? 

You don’t have to settle for anything less. There are plenty of employers who provide the benefit of worry-free finances. Employers who guarantee providing total gains, ensure good health and welfare of their staff before, during and after employment do exist. So, before saying, "Thank you; I accept your offer" make sure you’ve done your homework and have researched all the advantages and disadvantages of the company you’re about to join. 

Here are a few things to look out for:

Happiness – take a look around when you’re going for your interview. Are the employees truly happy or are they putting on the 'happy face' only when in public. 

Ask yourself, "Are 90% of the employees happy in their work environment with the benefits they’re offered?"

Appreciation – does the employer show appreciation to everyone? Every company’s goal should be to treat employees equally regardless of their position. 

Value – does the executive team value their employees and regularly demonstrate their importance in the company's success?

Trust – can and do the employees trust their executive team? Is the executive team saying one thing yet doing another?

Ownership – are all employees encouraged to show ownership? When ownership is taken in the success of a company, employees feel they are truly a part of the company. Does this employer guide their team to show ownership?

Pleasure– are all employees working in a pleasant environment and not subjected to negativity? Do they truly enjoy working for the employer?

Read: Corporate culture clues to spot at your next job interview

When management does not show value, demonstrate appreciation and regularly provide encouragement to their staff, the overall morale diminishes and production suffers.

If you found yourself shaking your head to the above, perhaps it's time to hunt for a new home. Careers24 has thousands of vacancies available from top employers and recruiters.