6 reasons why you should think twice before taking a new job

Does the company culture of your potential employer support employees' growth and success? (Shutterstock)

How sure are you the job you’ve just been offered is the right fit? Don’t accept a job offer until you’ve asked yourself these important questions.

You’ve been searching for jobs for months, and finally managed to land one that you think might be the one, but is it really? Have you asked yourself the right questions to make sure you’re not just accepting out of desperation? Think about these questions before you sign on the dotted line...

What do the company’s finances look like?
While most companies may take a knock during turbulent economic times, how your potential employer reacts should be a factor in your decision. Read the news, look at press releases from the company; basically research as much as you can before making decisions. 

Are you prepared to travel the distance?
How far are the offices from your house? Think about traffic, time, and whether it’s worth travelling for almost 2 hours every morning. 

Is the company culture and environment right for you?
The culture of a company is very important to your growth and success. For example, if you work best in a closed off space and the company believes in open plan offices, you might not thrive or be as happy as you could be elsewhere. The right fit makes a big difference.

Are the company’s expectations within reach?
Does the company expect you to turn around a failing department in just a few months? Are you expected to wave a non-existent magic wand and solve a decade's worth of problems? Make sure you aren't over-promising and setting up a situation where you may under-deliver.

What are your expectations? 
Have you looked at their benefit structure? Do you know how many leave days you qualify for and if the company encourages flexi-time? Do they offer a pension and retirement fund? Make sure you know the answers to these questions before signing to avoid any nasty surprises later down the line.

Read: Cost to company explained

Is there room for growth?
Hopefully you’re moving careers for more growth. Have you asked if there are any opportunities for growth inside of your position? Will this new role fit into your overall career plan? If not, are you sure this is the right move for you? Avoid accepting jobs that won’t take you any further in your career.

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