Prepare for your job interview like an Olympian


Interview like a champ to ace that golden job opportunity.

Competition for jobs in South Africa is pretty tough. That is why you need to ensure that your interview skills are gold medal worthy. Job hunting is like a race, the fittest, most determined, and he who can outperform all opponents and impress the judges enjoys all the glory.

Exactly like the 137 amazing South Africans managed to Rio 2016.

If you have managed to secure an interview, it means that your credentials were impressive. Like all the athletes who qualified for the Olympics by being the best in their respective countries, you too are already one of the top applicants. All that's left is your performance in the heats against the crème de la crème. And training for the Olympics is no easy feat as you'll experience doubters, frustrations, and rejections.

And this is how you get through it:

1. By Staying Disciplined

After your interview, you may not receive a call back for several days. And sometimes, not even at all. But that shouldn't deter you from always trying and continuing to apply for job vacancies. The long wait between an interview and landing a job opportunity is something you should be prepared for. 

Caster Semenya has a controversial history of waiting but she's never given up.

2. By Overcoming Hurdles

Hurdles in the world of job interviews can range from transportation fails (delayed train, flat tire, etc.), technological fails (flat phone battery, no data, lost emails, etc.), and actual Q&A fails (not knowing what your weaknesses are or where you want to be in 5 years). And the big one: not getting the job.

But all Olympians know that you overcome obstacles, learn from them and do better next time: leave very early, charge your phone beforehand, and practice your answers with a friend. Olympians know exactly where they went wrong: I started slow, I got distracted at the 2nd turn, and they avoid over-blaming and self-loathing: I'm so terrible at this, it was a disaster, my best isn't good enough.

3. By Preparing Physically and Mentally

Take care of the physical elements like choosing your outfit and printing your CV, well-ahead of time. Arriving on time, in a snazzy outfit, with every piece of documentation you'll ever need, does wonders for your mental state too.

Every single Olympian has a coach and you should invest some time in getting proper interview coaching too. With Careers24, you can get expert coaching (for free) or by posing questions on our Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn pages.

4. By Resting, Rejuvenating and Reflecting

While practice is good, exertion is not. 

It is advisable that you get 2 nights' good rest. After your interview, reflect on every detail leading up to and during the job interview. You should make a point of following up with the hiring manager, to show gratitude for the opportunity and for tips of improvement. Olympians are laser-focused on constantly improving on their personal best.

Go for Gold with Careers24 Jobs and Job Interview Tips!